Free Reselling Guide

Step 1: Find a Trusted & Tested Vendor HERE:

Step 2. Buy Product From Vendor

Choose your product from our vendor, Moncler Jacket, Airpods Max, Iphone ...

Step 3: Take High quality pictures

After Package arrives, Take High quality pictures of the item with proper lighting
Ex. Outside in the sun, Inside on floor with good lighting
- This makes you rank higher on searches
- And makes you seem more reputable

Step 4: List product on Apps
List on as many as you can.
- Facebook

- Vinted (Europe)
- Kijiji (Canada)
- OfferUp (US)
- Mercari (US)

Step 5: Product Title
TITLE: *BEST OFFER* “Product Name”
Example: *BEST OFFER* Airpods Pro 2 (New)
- Obviously don't always copy, change it up a little.
- This makes your list higher
- Getting you more interested messages
- Especially combined with high quality pics.

Example: “Brand New, Never used
Comes with all original accessories
msg me if you're interested”

-If you offer shipping, include that in the description
Ex. "Free 1 Day Delivery With UPS Express"

- Don't Mention that they are real or reps. List as is
- doesn't have to be long and complicated. You can keep it simple

How to make sure your listings don't get taken down
on Facebook

Why your listing is getting taken down:
8/10 Times, the reason your listing gets taken down is because facebook thinks
your account is a bot.
This usually happens when you post the same item multiple times. (ex. Posting 4
different airpods listings in a row

How to prevent it from happening
-Post random things that u have laying around on facebook marketplace
(Ex. Fan, Table, Toys, Old electronics Etc.)
-Use Aged Facebook Accounts (6 Months - 1 Year Old)
-Post a maximum of 1-2 products per day.
These combined make your account less susceptible to take downs

How To Reply to buyers:
Many people get confused/stuck on this part, usually due to anxiety and lack of
social interaction.

If they ask if its authentic:
- Be straight up and tell them it's a 1:1 UA Rep

-If you're selling an electronic, show them that the product is high quality by showing them the serial number works on the brands website.

Always meet up at highly populated areas.
- Mall (inside or parking lot)
- Square
- Infront of Bank
- Community Centre
- Restaurant (ex. Starbucks, McDonalds)

-Never do the deal at/in front of your house

Make sure you're ready to answer any objections
Common Objection Examples:
- “Is it authentic”
- “Can I open the seal”
- “Can you show me the serial code”
- “Where'd You get them from”
- "How 1:1 Is it"

Practice how you would answer them. That part is up to you.
For Anymore Questions, Message me.